LIVE JUNE 6-7 2024


BE THE ONE that clients BUY FROM over and over again.

I will take you through the identity, the frequency and the strategies to become irresistible to your buyers & clients.



You'll learn how to...

The Identity Piece...

We will unravel the 10x bolder version of you that is unapologetically you.

Not the watered-down version playing it small, but the one who is potent, unique, and bold. The one who has given herself permission to be HERSELF. 

The Frequency Piece

We will start moving from pleasure and vision, instead of pressure. 

This is a game changer as you become your own certainty and unattached  This makes you completely magnetic and binge worthy to clients. 

The Strategy Piece

We will craft your uniquely flavoured buyer experience (that is super high-quality) that attracts and converts your buyers.

We work with the buyer paradigm (not selling, convincing or any of that).

Completely different.

Meet Silja Thor

I’m a business mentor and coach for entrepreneurs just like you. 

I’ll show you how to simplify & scale your business, by having a solid strategy, plan and a path.

While playing with the energetics as well.

Over the last 20 years, I have founded & scaled over 9 companies in more than 5 countries, and mentored 100s of entrepreneurs. 

I have created millions in revenue for my businesses and helped clients multiply their revenue. 

Come and borrow my 20+ years of business knowledge and collapse timelines for scaling your business.